The Reality of Riding A Dressage Test

Because sadly we all cannot be Charlotte…. Dressage test movement: “Enter at A, proceed down centre line in working trot” Dressage test reality: Attempt to get straight before entering arena. Deep breath, enter at A. Realise you are a little to left. Left leg, left leg, damn too much left leg, right leg. Okay that’sContinue reading “The Reality of Riding A Dressage Test”

25 Things Riding Instructors Understand

1. Why 200 euro is way better spent on a top quality pair of waterproofs than on a dress or a pair of heels. Anyone who feels differently should have to stand for four hours in monsoon rain without said waterproofs to see if they still feel the same afterwards. 2. How to recognise thatContinue reading “25 Things Riding Instructors Understand”

5 Clipping Preparation Tips to help get a Great Looking Result

  If you are going to wash, really wash.  If you will be washing your horse before clipping, it is a good idea to make sure you get as much scruff out of the coat as you can. Firstly, use warm water rather than cold if possible. As well as feeling nicer to the horse,Continue reading “5 Clipping Preparation Tips to help get a Great Looking Result”