10 Reasons Your Horse Is Living A Better Life Than You

Scroll through Facebook or Instagram and it is on many ‘inspiring’ quote or hastag #livingmybestlife but you’re not, your horse is. Horse ownership should come with a disclaimer that explains its most about being covered in hair / mud / poo and paying vet bills or replacing expensive broken things. If you don’t agree let’sContinue reading “10 Reasons Your Horse Is Living A Better Life Than You”

Common Clipping Problems & Solutions

Problem: I’ve washed a horse to clip him but it isn’t dry! Solution: Hair dryer! If despite a good cooler / sweat rug your horse is still damp, plug in your hair dryer and finish the job. If they don’t mind being clipped they rarely mind this as the noise is similar and most quiteContinue reading “Common Clipping Problems & Solutions”

11 Things To Consider When Clipping A Horse’s Legs

1.Ask Yourself is it Safe Not all horses are easy to clip so before attempting to clip the legs, firstly see if the horse is safe and well-mannered to have his body and face clipped and to manoeuvre and control when doing so. Clipping the legs will entail having yourself in close to and underneath theContinue reading “11 Things To Consider When Clipping A Horse’s Legs”

Horses You Will Meet While Clipping

The Saint This is what you hope they all are! These horses like being clipped. They stand still, they don’t care how much you climb over or under them, will happily have their face clipped and will probably even hold up a leg by themselves if you ask nicely. MC Hammer You can’t touch this.Continue reading “Horses You Will Meet While Clipping”

A Close Shave – ErgroPro by Clippers Ireland Review

I will start by explaining that my opinion can never be bought therefore this review is a genuine review of a product, I have no connection to the company. I was actually looking for a price on a set of fine clipper blades when I came across an add for a clippers at less thanContinue reading “A Close Shave – ErgroPro by Clippers Ireland Review”

8 Simple Tips To Clipping Safely

Use Your Head If you are clipping, wear a hat. I keep an older skull cap in my kit for clipping so that I don’t end up with hair stuck to my good hat. Clipping out a horse will involve leaning in under the horses belly and having your head in close proximity to theContinue reading “8 Simple Tips To Clipping Safely”