“A tale of two Sammys”

I headed up to Coilog this morning and left the horses at home in the field (rather nice of me I thought instead of them standing in the box 🤷‍♀️) while I helped out with the running of the show. Id planned to pop back and pick the horses up.

I got a text from the yard team to say that Sammy had done his party piece and removed his head collar and was refusing to be caught bucking and squealing around the field. 🙈 so off home I went, wellies on and caught the little delinquent – he knows the game is up when he sees me. 🙄

On to Coilog and I knew he was debating his life choices. Two horses being led past the arena resulted in a squeal and a bronc up the warm up 😅😳

Our first test was interesting, turn right at C, delude yourself into loading horses hind legs to medium trot and explosion 💥 instead. The rest of the test was ok but he was on a hair trigger. Swear to god lads I’ve the strongest ass cheek muscles in Kildare because when he’s doing a Sammy if I move one – he’s off 🤣😱

Second test time. The heavens opened. The rain poured down my back and fook me I hate rain. I honestly had some sort of mental rocky balboa moment. See on a Wednesday after I do my coaching with Oisin, I go home and practice on Sammy and it’s become “no win Wednesday” because he never gets away with anything. So I know he can do it.

In a moment of soaking wet determination I wrapped my legs around him like I was clinging on a barrel and got stuck in and told myself to sit down in the saddle and bloody ride him 💪

The result was something I’m still processing – an overall class win on a personal best score (almost 69%!) from a UK list one judge 😳😳😳

So cheers 🥂 to my Sammy the failed former riding school horse who makes me laugh daily and who finally today became the dressage horse I always knew he could be 😍🥰❤️

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