Getting Into the Heart of Side Saddle

Felicity and I were meant to be together. I first met her on the side of a road when I collected her and another saddle off her owner to bring her to be used on a horse at a side saddle camp a friend had organised. I knew sweet FA about side saddles at theContinue reading “Getting Into the Heart of Side Saddle”

To Compete, Perchance to Win. Ladies Side Saddle Returns to the 2014 RDS Dublin Horse show

When the ladies side saddle class returned to the show ring in the 2014 RDS Dublin Horseshow it was not filled with professional riders on professional show horses. Instead the ring was filled with a variety of horses and riders that served as a beautiful demonstration of versatility. The majority of these riders were notContinue reading “To Compete, Perchance to Win. Ladies Side Saddle Returns to the 2014 RDS Dublin Horse show”

Side Saddle Makeup Unveiled

When some of the side saddle ladies including Ciara my side saddle friend and mentor recently declared that lipstick for side saddle showing should not be red, I was relieved. I have nothing against red lipstick but it simply doesn’t suit me. I either end up looking like a child in their parents make upContinue reading “Side Saddle Makeup Unveiled”

Side Saddle – I Will Survive!

To the tune of ‘I will Survive’ by Gloria Gaynor At first I was excited, slightly terrified Heading down to Co.  Meath for my first sidesaddle ride I spent oh so many hours thinking how it could go wrong I might fall off, the horse might be way too strong

A Ladies Guide to Preparing To Hunt Side Saddle in Ireland

The first step is to prepare to ride side saddle in general and you can find a guide to this here. Once you have mastered the bar stool and ridden side saddle on an actual horse without face planting it is time to start preparation for hunting side saddle in Ireland. Once Autumn hits everyoneContinue reading “A Ladies Guide to Preparing To Hunt Side Saddle in Ireland”

The Big Orange Train Rides Again and Other Stories

  So about a week and a half ago the orange train and I headed off on another side saddle adventure, one I had been looking forward to for weeks. Ciara O’Connell (this lady: had organised for a group of us to travel back to Ballyduff House near Thomastown in Kilkenny to avail ofContinue reading “The Big Orange Train Rides Again and Other Stories”

A Ladies Guide to Preparing to Ride Side Saddle

I was asked earlier today by a rider if there were any exercises she could to prepare for riding in a side saddle lesson. Having only recently converted to the sideways side I thought it was only fair to share my experience and what I learned in those valuable first few weeks.  

A Week of Firsts

  “Feel the fear and do it anyway” isn’t that what they say? Well I can safely say I managed to accomplish that this week. My arms might be two inches longer than they were before (unfortunately not my legs!) but I am still in one piece and haven’t sprained my Jennifer muscle too badly.Continue reading “A Week of Firsts”

From Clueless to Competing – my side saddle adventure so far

  Very recently I asked the ladies on a very helpful Facebook page how long it would take before side saddle would feel ‘normal’. There was a reason behind this question as my first side saddle showing class was just over a week away and I was at the time trotting like a drunk onContinue reading “From Clueless to Competing – my side saddle adventure so far”